Homeostasis and the Human Body

Modified: 18th May 2020
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 As mentioned before, Homeostasis the ability of an organism to maintain internal body conditions despite the external condition surrounding it. The complex human body is actively maintaining homeostasis while performing other duties to help us live our every day lives. Homeostasis is seen as the body systems including the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, the digestive system, the immune system, the respiratory system, and the urinary system. The Reproductive system will also be discussed and how it does not necessarily perform homeostasis.

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 The first body system being covered is the Skeletal System. The Skeletal system is comprised of all the bones found in the human body. Its main purpose is to support the body and provide structure. At the same time, it protects the internal organs by surrounding them. The Skeletal System also encourages movement because it is the attachment point of the muscles. This system also produces blood cells and serves as a storage of minerals and fat. The Skeletal system’s role in homeostasis is maintaining the mineral levels. For example, the Skeletal system helps maintain the adequate levels of calcium and other minerals found in the blood to ensure normal functions. If the levels are too high, the bones will absorb some of those minerals and turn them into mineral salts. If mineral levels are too low, then the bones release more minerals into the bloodstream. Another body system that helps promote movement in the body is the Muscular System. The Muscular system is composed of muscle fibers and is found attached to bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. It helps actions humans do in everyday life such as walking, running, performing movements of the eye, maintaining posture, joint stability, heat production, and respiration. The Muscular System helps with Homeostasis by allowing specific body parts to move away from danger, hunt, capture food, or procreate. Homeostasis is also seen in the internal organs and their corresponding system.

 The Cardiovascular system is the home to the heart and the circulatory system. The heart’s main purpose is to pump blood, which is full of oxygen and nutrients, into the other internal organs, tissues, and cells throughout the body. Within the Cardiovascular system are the Arteries which carries the oxygen-full blood away from the heart. In comparison, the Veins carry oxygen-poor blood towards the heart to continue this cycle. The Cardiovascular system maintains Homeostasis by maintaining continuous movement of the blood. It also helps create a constant environment around each body cell. Another Body System that is related to blood is the Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic system is a system of organs, lymph nodes, ducts, and vessels that allow lymph to move from tissues through the bloodstream. The Lymphatic System is mainly made up of white blood cells and intestine fluid. This system contributes to Homeostasis by maintaining constant levels of lymph in tissue spaces. Extra lymph will often lead to inflammation.  Moving on from the Cardiovascular System comes to the Digestive system. The Digestive system is a collection of the digestive tract and organs such as the Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder. The Digestive Tract is a long tube that runs from the mouth through the body to the anus where waste is released. Its main purpose is to break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol, and simple sugars; respectively. Similar to the Skeletal System and the Cardiovascular system, the Digestive system maintains homeostasis by regulating the amount of iron and calcium absorbed and transferring nutrients from external environments to the internal environment. Another Body system that maintains Homeostasis is the Respiratory system. It is made up of the noses, sinuses, and lungs. The Respiratory System is responsible for bringing in oxygen and expelling Carbon Dioxide. To maintain Homeostasis, the Respiratory System regulates the composition of blood gas. Like the Respiratory system, the Urinary system is also responsible for expelling waste by-products. Composed mainly by the kidneys and bladder, the Urinary System is responsible for filtering blood and releasing waste products after taking away the nutrients from food and converting it to energy. The Urinary System, in terms of Homeostasis, is similar to the Cardiovascular system, because the kidneys help regulate the amount and composition of blood while also maintaining the blood’s pH of 7.4

 The next set of body systems contribute more with sending signals throughout the body. The first body system is the Nervous System. With an intimidating network of nerves, messages are carried to and from the brain to other parts of the body. The Nervous System is an important contributor to Homeostasis because it monitors and regulates all of the other systems within the Human Body. The Nervous system is also responsible for triggering a response if any change occurs. Similar to the Nervous System, the Endocrine System also sends signals throughout the body. The Endocrine System is responsible for producing hormones used in metabolism, reproduction, growth, and more. The Endocrine System contributes to Homeostasis sending positive and negative feedback loops from the brain to release certain and the right amount of hormone levels. The next body system is the Immune System. The Immune System is located throughout the body from the skin, bone marrow, bloodstream, thymus, and others. It is responsible for preventing or limiting infection and help differentiate healthy and unhealthy cells. The Immune System contributes to Homeostasis by helping the healing process and again fighting off infections.

The final body system is the Reproductive System. As the parts vary depending on one’s gender, its main purpose is still to procreate offspring. Unlike the other body systems, the Reproductive System is the only system that does not necessarily contribute to Homeostasis.

 In conclusion, all of the Body Systems are crucial to a healthy life which is why it is our responsibility to ensure their health. The Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary, Nervous, Endocrine, and Immune Systems all help contribute to maintaining Homeostasis while performing their everyday tasks. While the Reproductive System, does not directly contribute to Homeostasis, it is still as important as the other Body Systems.

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