Strategies for Public Speaking

Modified: 7th Aug 2018
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The theme of Public speaking is the process intended for speaking, or communicating a lecture to a group of people in deliberate, structured manner in order to influence or entertain an audience. Public speaking is commonly taken as having a face to face verbal communication between the individuals or an audience. It is closely allied to “presenting”, although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. Most of the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience. Public speaking is closely associated with presenting however presenting is more sort of a commercial activity. Public speaking mostly involves persuading the audience. Public speaking has three main purposes which involves mainly to persuade, secondly to inform, and thirdly, to entertain. These purposes can be achieved either individually, as a combination of 2 or collectively. (Zakahi, 1988)

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To convince an audience involves leading someone to believe something be it whether it is a diet choice, voting interest or one side of a hot-button topic such as immigration or abortion. In public speaking, having the audience centered at the topic of speech is the initial goal as it implies the speech’s information was gathered and delivered effectively, and it also makes way for the third goal which is persuading the audience.

The second purpose includes to provide the potential audience with a certain information be it for mutual understanding, sharing knowledge, answering queries such as who, what, when, where, how and by what means. The success of the speaker’s attempt to inform can be measured by how well the audience understands, retains and applies the ideas of the topic to their own lives.

The purpose of persuasive public speeches is to persuade the audience to either adopt a specific thought or take a particular course of action that is provided by the public speaker. A speech delivered to a group of likely prospects may comprise the purpose to persuade them to set an appointment with the local Navy recruiter by motivating them that they really do have what it takes to be a Navy officer and they can be successful. (Lewis, 2010)


A specific format is followed to deliver a speech which includes introduction, main part, conclusion, uttering the words perfectly. Not to forget that speech should span over a specific period of time so that not to create boredom in the atmosphere.

Points considered to deliver a good speech include:

  1. Beforehand: rehearsal.
  2. Connect with your audience [body language: eye contact, good postures, etc.]
  3. Be yourself [not talk or read fast, Do not panic, Do not be dull and boring, Do not forget to breath, have normal pitch voice i.e. not too high neither not too low but just a sound and hearable volume.].

These acts perform as a frame of reference for the public speaking. One important step is that you ideally address important people who will be there and acknowledge guests. E.g. Good Evening, Principle Smith, teachers, parents and guests, welcome you to (event) etc (Make sure you tell them who you are). Also be open for questions and develop good listening skills. This initial start gives a projection of a good speech.

Body-II Delivering a speech can take several different forms and does not necessarily has to be a face to face conversation however it does helps to communicate the message more efficiently and effectively and is an important element of non verbal communication. It counts in the body posture, gestures and most importantly the eye contact which helps to put the message across as a supporting material as well as a paralanguage for a good conversational style. Hence it can be a political speech delivered though a telephone to a large audience or maybe a video conferencing through an internet connection e.g. including Skype conversations or it can also be through a visual aid such as through a television channel delivering to a large audience.

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Many people have a phobia of public speaking. Jerry Seinfeld put it this way: “According to numerous studies, people’s most common fear is public speaking. Then comes death. This means to the average person i.e. if you go to a funeral, you are better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” One way to overcome these fears is with preparation and practice.

Public speaking is a self-esteem booster. Overcoming the fears and public speaking anxiety that go along with public speaking is empowering. Moreover, connecting with the audiences can be a great opportunity to remind you that you have valuable insights and opinions to share with the world. One form of this speech is extemporaneous speech as it is considered most informative and you make the speech after you have gathered all the facts and have done your research on the topic. (Rennels, 2006)

It can be very fulfilling to share something that matters to you with people not in your usual social circle. The process of writing a speech will not only exercise but also strengthen your critical thinking skills, ranging from the research to the actual speech-drafting. Preparing a speech will enable you to reevaluate the way you communicate and as well as re-examine your speaking habits.

When you write a speech, you have to think carefully about the language to communicate your message to the audience, best organization framework, and persuasive strategy. This type of thinking will help you improve your communication skills in other areas of your life. Public speaking engagements are great places to meet other people who share your interests and this increases your social circuit. (Jaffe, 2007)


Public speaking is the process intended for speaking, or communicating a lecture to a group of people in deliberate, structured manner in order to influence or entertain an audience. It is commonly taken as a face to face conversation however it can take many different forms as well such as a telephonic speech or a virtual speech such as a speech delivered through a television. Public speaking has three main purposes which involves mainly persuasion, secondly to inform, and thirdly, to entertain. These purposes can be achieved either individually, as a combination of 2 or collectively. It has several benefits which include Overcoming fears, boosting self esteem, Sharing your views with others, improve critical thinking skills, analyze communication habits, improve communication skills, make social connections, impress your boss, gain publicity, expand your social network, personalizing your professional reputation and find the right words to impress change. A specific format is followed to deliver a speech which includes introduction, main part, conclusion, uttering the words perfectly.


Jaffe, C. (2007). Public Speaking: Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society.

Lewis, M. (2010). Podium Dreams. .

Rennels, M. (2006, September 4). What Are the Three Main Goals of Public Speaking? Speaking and Speeches; Why is public speaking important .

Zakahi, W. (1988). Communication Education. West Virginia: Speech Communication Press .


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