Project Management Specification of Services

Modified: 26th Jul 2018
Wordcount: 2941 words

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  1. Establish a Project Control Group (PCG) comprising of:
    1. A representative of the Principal (BOT Representative);
    2. A representative of the Project Manager;
    3. The design team leader (to be appointed), by invitation of the BOT Representative or Project Manager; and
    4. The Quantity Surveyor (to be appointed), by invitation of the BOT Representative or Project Manager.

Assist the BOT Representative with procuring consultants as required, including short listing, interviews, evaluation, recommendations and confirmations of appointments.

  1. The Project Manager will set up a management structure to:
    1. Define responsibilities;
    2. Establish lines of communication and reporting;
    3. Deal with authorisation procedures between the Project Manager and the BOT Representative;
    4. Work with the design team to define the stages in the design process and, at various stages, seek input from the BOT Representative; and
    5. Organise the Quantity Surveyor to undertake a budget review.
  2. The Project Manager will attend and minute regular meetings, including PCG meetings, identifying actions and responsibilities as necessary.
  3. Set up systems to monitor performance parameters such as time, cost and standard required by the BOT Representative.
  4. Research all relevant records.
  5. Visit and review the existing site conditions and the proposed location of the new Building.
  6. Meet with the BOT Representative to discuss the scope of work proposed.
  7. Prepare a project brief for both the overall site development and the specific development requirements in consultation with the design team.
  8. Finalise the brief with the design team (including confirmed budgets) and obtain BOT Representative approval.
  9. Prepare a preliminary development programme identifying key milestones and completion dates.
  10. Manage compliance by the design team, Quantity Surveyor and any other consultants engaged on the Principal’s behalf, with the terms of their respective contracts with the Principal, and supervise performance of their duties pursuant to such contracts.

Concept design

  1. Prepare a site development plan with the design team.
  2. Obtain endorsement of site development plan from the BOT Representative including proposed site for the Buildings.
  3. Develop concept plans for the Buildings.
  4. Ensure an initial cost check is undertaken after the design team has completed the initial concept plans, ensuring that the total budget for the Contract Works is not exceeded. If such reviews indicate potential budget overruns, remedial steps will be taken to amend the design to bring it within the budget requirements.
  5. All other duties as required to successfully manage the concept design phase.

Develop design

  1. Ongoing duties as above.
  2. Check that the design develops in accordance with the requirements of the BOT Representative’s brief and in accordance with the relevant codes of practice and statutory requirements.
  3. Check that the design develops within the budget requirements.
  4. Co-ordinate the submission of the design, in stages, to the BOT Representative and obtain their approval.
  5. Ensure that sufficient information is made available to allow the BOT Representative to make informed decisions, including preparing and co-ordinating option appraisals, peer reviews as necessary.
  6. Advise the BOT Representative if the design development will not be to the standard required by the BOT Representative and that adjustments will be required.
  7. Other duties as are required to successfully manage the developed design and resource consent documentation phase.

Building consent

  1. Ongoing duties as above.
  2. Oversee and ensure delivery of all necessary consents by the design team.
  3. Lodge the Building Consent application on behalf of the BOT Representative once the documentation has been completed and approved.
  4. Liaise with statutory bodies on behalf of the BOT Representative where they are required to carry out work on the project.
  5. Other duties as required to successfully manage the consents and tender documentation phase.

Working drawings and contract documents

  1. Ongoing duties as above.
  2. Manage the design process so that the contract documentation scope aligns with the cost plan.
  3. Liaise with the design team and provide comment on samples and prototypes in consultation with the BOT Representative to ensure all economies can be maintained while ensuring a quality end product.
  4. Ensure a full cost check is undertaken after full working drawings have been completed.
  5. Liaise with the BOT Representative regarding the preparation of the conditions of contract and contract documents.
  6. Advise and assist the BOT Representative in specifying their requirements in regard to obtaining the operating and maintenance manuals.


  1. Ongoing duties as above.
  2. Evaluate and advise on procurement options to best deliver the Contract Works within the agreed project objectives.
  3. Co-ordinate the input of the PCG in the preparation of lists of suitable contractors from which to invite tenders.
  4. Invite Expressions of Interest from contractors, evaluate in accordance with BOT Representative agreed criteria to recommend preferred selected tender list.
  5. Ensure that the advertisements for tenderers are correctly placed (if required).
  6. Assist the BOT Representative with tender evaluations as required and conduct interviews.
  7. Oversee the preparation of tender documents by the consultants and if necessary revise the tender documents to suit. Ensure tender documents require Contractor compliance with all applicable Ministry of Education standards.
  8. Invite tenders on behalf of the BOT Representative.
  9. Arrange for the direct placement of early offers for long lead in items where necessary and arrange for their subsequent novation if appropriate.
  10. Review with the design team any alternative proposals put forward by the contractors and make appropriate recommendations to the BOT Representative.
  11. Monitor and adjust the scope of work after tenders are received and instigate appropriate action in the event that the tenders exceed the budgets for particular elements.
  12. Monitor the procurement process against the programme and instigate appropriate action to manage the project within the overall budget in the event that the tenders exceed budgets for particular elements.
  13. Assist with the appointment of the main contractor (if required).
  14. Prepare tender reports and recommendations to the PCG for recommendation to the BOT Representative.
  15. All other duties as required to successfully manage the procurement phase.


  1. Ongoing duties as above.
  2. Prepare and keep updated a master project programme. Monitor the master project programme against contractor’s progress, and review progress at the regular site meetings. Where delays are signalled, take recovery action as appropriate.
  3. Prepare a programme for the construction stage of the project in accordance with the BOT Representative requirements.
  4. Advise the BOT Representative regarding insurance obligations on the contracted parties and ensure that such insurances are put in place.
  5. Receive monthly reports from the design team confirming the status of Request for Information, notice to contractors and site instruction issues. If required, report these to the BOT Representative.
  6. Advise the BOT Representative regarding any statutory responsibilities particularly with regard to health, safety and environmental issues, and ensure the main contractor has an appropriate health and safety plan in place.
  7. Advise the BOT Representative on quality control actions including progressive monitoring / remedial action.
  8. Examine the contractor’s proposal for construction of the Contract Works and resolve any concerns that arise.
  9. Co-ordinate works, sequence, access and similar matters with the contractor and BOT Representative, to the BOT Representative’s satisfaction/approval.
  10. Arrange for the preparation of a detailed construction programme(s).
  11. Arrange for the preparation of schedules identifying when design information is required for order or for construction purposes and ensure that this is fully co-ordinated with the design programme.
  12. Ensure that suitable procedures are put in place to consider variations to the Construction Contract. As a general rule, no variation shall be initiated without the BOT Representative’s prior written approval unless the net effect of the variation is neutral or better in relation to the budget quality and programme.
  13. Ensure that suitable procedures are put in place to monitor, record, progress and cost to facilitate communication to deal with problems that may occur.
  14. Fully brief all contractors and their project managers on their duties, project procedures and the project itself to the extent that the overall understanding will improve their performance.
  15. Create a culture of confidence, trust and mutual respect between all members of the PCG.
  16. Facilitate regular reporting and review meetings on and off site.
  17. Be present on site to inspect all matters of critical importance to the project, and in addition attend on site to observe construction works taking place on a not less than weekly basis.
  18. Monitor the construction phase and instigate appropriate action in the event of technical problems, delays, unforeseen difficulties, communication breakdowns and any other events, which threaten the objectives of the project.
  19. Agree contractor’s project team and duties.
  20. Approve subcontractor’s trades named by the contractor.
  21. Assist in the resolution of disputes as they occur.

Financial Management

  1. In consultation with the Quantity Surveyor, check the contractor’s payment claims including checking materials on and off site as required.
  2. Provide confirmation to the BOT Representative that progress payments are a fair reflection of the value of works undertaken and therefore the certificate is approved to the BOT Representative for payment. Monitor the payment process and instigate action in the event of problems.
  3. Arrange for the negotiation of all variations approved by the BOT Representative in a timely manner and ensure that the budget, quality and programme implications of variations to the contract are fair and reasonable, and certify approved variations. Monitor the variation process and instigate action in the event of problems.
  4. Certify all payments in accordance with the contract requirements.
  5. Continuously monitor and manage all costs of the project and, in conjunction with the Quantity Surveyor, take responsibility for the delivery of the project within the allocated budget.
  6. In consultation with the Quantity Surveyor (and design team / Contractor, as appropriate), provide a monthly summary to the BOT Representative showing:
    1. Contract Works completed to date;
    2. Works programmed for the following month;
    3. The updated forecast final project cost (cost to complete);
    4. The status and value of variations if any;
    5. Payments to date;
    6. Retentions held; and
    7. A cash-flow forecast.


  1. Oversee the preparation of a detailed systems commissioning and testing programme.
  2. Oversee the preparation and schedules of test reports and certificates to be obtained, and ensure they take place in a timely manner.
  3. Ensure that all parties are aware of what is required.
  4. Monitor the commissioning and testing programme and instigate appropriate action in the event that delays occur.
  5. Monitor the results of the tests and agree suitable measures with the team in the event that failures occur.
  6. Oversee the preparation of the operating and maintenance manuals and check that they meet with the BOT Representative’s requirements.
  7. All other duties to successfully manage the construction and commissioning phases.


  1. Assist the BOT Representative in any arrangements for a phased handover of the project (if necessary) and the logistics of taking possession of the project.
  2. Co-ordinate the activities of inspection personnel from the BOT Representative, consultants, contractors and statutory bodies.
  3. Ensure that all necessary reports, certificates (including Certificate of Public Use and Code Compliance Certificate), “as built” drawings and contractor guarantees, sub trade and product guarantees have been obtained for handover.
  4. Advise the BOT Representative regarding any statutory requirements it may be required to comply with on taking possession of the project.
  5. Prepare final information and issue final certificates.
  6. Complete all necessary Ministry of Education documentation (including PMIS requirements) required by the BOT Representative, in conjunction with the design team.

Payment terms

The Project Manager shall prepare and render to the Principal a valid monthly GST invoice, in respect of the Fee. To be valid a GST invoice must:

  1. Clearly show all GST due;
  2. Be in New Zealand currency;
  3. Be clearly marked ‘Tax invoice’;
  4. Contain the Project Manager’s name, address and GST number, if the Project Manager is registered for GST;
  5. Contain the Principal’s name and address and be marked for the attention of the Principal’s Contract Manager;
  6. State the date the invoice was issued;
  7. Name this Agreement and provide a description of the Services supplied, including the amount of time spent in the delivery of the Services if payment is based on an Hourly Fee Rate or Daily Fee Rate;
  8. Contain the Principal’s contract reference or purchase order number if there is one; and
  9. Be supported by GST receipts if expenses are claimed and any other verifying documentation reasonably requested by the Principal.


  1. Provide a written report to the BOT Representative, no less than monthly, regarding the status of the project, including but not limited to PCG meetings, progress of the project and any application for a variation, and obtain any necessary decisions.
  2. Initiate action in the event that any aspect of the project fails to proceed to plan. Upon consultation with the BOT Representative, agree suitable corrective action and monitor its implementation.
  3. Quality Assurance:
    1. Each consultant is responsible for checking their specific discipline.
    2. The design team and Project Manager will also check the work throughout the project.
    3. All contractual obligations relating to quality assurance and remedying defects will be managed by the Project Manager, who will be satisfied that the Contract Works have been completed to the required standard prior to issuing the practical completion certificate and certifying final payments.
    4. The BOT Representative may carry out its own independent quality control checks. However, any such checks will not obviate the responsibilities of the contractor, the Project Manager or the consultants.
  4. Additional Consultants:
    1. The Project Manager will have a key role in the decision making process for the appointment of all consultants (i.e. the design team and the Quantity Surveyor), due to the fact that the Project Manager is responsible for their performance.
    2. The design team will nominate his or her own sub-consultants, and the selection of the design team will take into account the quality of those sub-consultants.

Ongoing services

  1. Where the Project Manager is engaged to deliver a number of projects/services on an ongoing basis (e.g. a number of 5YA projects) in relation to [School]
  2. The Project Manager shall work directly with a representative of the Principal to discuss and plan any projects which the Principal may be contemplating at the School.
  3. Individual projects will be delivered as per the requirements in sections 1 to 12 of this specification.


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