Evaluation of Human Resource Recruitment Process

Modified: 8th Feb 2020
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Executive summary


The human resource (HR) recruiting process is being currently followed by all types of businesses this process has been seen through the various sector. 

The purpose of this report is to understand the recruitment process from an employer’s perspective. Through this report, the role of an employer has been taken. An organisation has been researched in order to be aware of the issues in a specific industry. The role of the Human Resource area is vital at all the phases of recruitment. In fact, it begins by finding the necessity of hiring. The HR department supports the company by acquiring the top candidates and also keeping them in the long term.  

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

1. Organisational background and Identification of skills gap

1.1 Company profile

1.2 Sector background

1.3 Identification of skills gap

2. Approach to recruitment

II. Conclusion

III. References

IV. Appendices

I.                     Introduction

Employees are the principal assets for any business, therefore, having an essential recruitment and selection system is very crucial. This process ensure that the best potential candidate is recruited to the position. There are many alternative aspects to contemplate throughout the recruitment and selection scheme.

This essay reflects on the difficulties that an organisation ought to consider as they seek for employees to recruit. Through this report, an analysis of the organisation Send for Help and has been conducted as well as an examination of the lone worker protection sector. This analysis has helped to understand and identify some skills gap that occurs in the company thus, a new role in the organisation has been suggested which will contribute fixing the labour problem. The report is structured in two different part. The first part of the report talks about the organisational background and the identification of a skills gap.  In this section the following subparts can be observed, an introduction of the company, an examination of the trends affecting the sector, the future prospect of the sector, an identification of skills gap and an explanation of the new role. The second part consists of the method of recruitment that has been chosen and the way the new role is advertised.

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1.      Organisational background and Identification of skills gap


1.1  Company profile

Send for Help is a lone worker protection company, established in 2010, by James Murray the CEO and Will Murray the marketing director. The business operates across its three subsidiary brands which are Skyguard, Peoplesafe and Guardian24, making it the largest lone worker protection supplier in the world. Each brand is specialising in diverse areas SkyGuard is principally focusing on health, Guardian24 on the charity and private sectors and Peoplesafe on the housing and construction industries (Caines, 2018). According to the figures, published in (Send for Help Limited’s Annual Report, 2016). the turnover had increased by 81% year-on-year and operating profits had also increased by 42% in the same period. The organisation has preserved its market-leading place by constant product innovation and also by providing high levels of customer service throughout its subsidiary businesses. During the prior financial year Send for Help acquired Guardian24 Limited and therefore, the company add an additional well-established market performer, as well as the market leading company Skyguard to their portfolio. The total advantages of this acquisition are mirrored in these revealed results. Send for Help offers individual alarms and mobile phone applications connected to their entirely accredited alarm receiving centre, which provides 24/7 backup and security for lone workers and those in danger. The group principally works in the UK and Ireland assisting over a hundred NHS trusts, two hundred housing associations, a hundred fifty local authorities, as well as a hundred commercial companies. The corporation additionally operates with an important number of the UK’s police services by

protecting some crimes and thus, obtained the main industry security accreditations, ascertaining its status as the leading organisation in lone worker protection.


1.2  Sector background

According to the research firm (Berg Insight’s People Monitoring and Safety Solutions, 2016). which has estimated that there are eight million lone workers in the UK representing about twenty per cent of the UK workforce. Working alone in an isolated site offers a group of challenges for employers and also for the lone workers. Organisations have a legal duty to provide protection to their employees working alone by detecting all risks and creating lone worker safety measures in order to avoid potential accidents and injuries and offer a safe work environment (Boorman, 2017). Lone worker devices help to deliver further security for those who are employed in distant remote job locations such as service agents, technicians, miners and people of related jobs who are required to work alone. Due to the independent work circumstances, any severe accidents that are likely to occur can lead to important consequences if not responded in time.

New technology has created several opportunities for companies for achieving targets more efficiently with advanced quality and amplified safety. As innovative safety products are launched into the market to resolve real-world problems, regulation quickly follows, catching enriched policies to certify that all corporations follow schemes that increase workplace safety. The lone worker market has fully experienced that.

Technology has progressed to not only connect workers with suitable responders but to accurately and objectively measure response time and map events. Cost is a concern for most businesses and therefore, there is an attraction to choose for more inexpensive models, but some UK providers of lone-worker devices are concerned about these cheaper kits flooding into the industry from overseas (Creasey, 2018).

Through the early 2000s, the UK was the world leader for lone worker monitoring, technology and innovation. In the last decade, more counties also realised the necessity to monitor exposed lone workers, in fact, an increase in innovation has been seen to other regions such as in Europe and North America.

In recent years the amount of industry areas using lone-worker devices and services has increased considerably. A new but quickly developing consumer base is the renewable energy industry, which often has people working on their own in remote sites. An important grown in the hospitality sector can also be perceived in fact, The UK’s fastest growing budget hotel chain, Travelodge, has accentuated its commitment to its employees by implementing an important market player, the lone worker security device, Identicom. Travelodge is using out Identicom devices in over five hundred hotels, which are being installed through a combination between the company’s current and brand-new hotels (British Security Industry Association, no date).

The current industry of lone worker technology and services is extremely strong, assisting the needs of healthcare and housing to industrial scenarios.

1.3  Identification of skills gap

This organisation has been chosen because it faces similar challenges existing in the chosen scenario. Indeed, being a multi-brand operation does, however, create challenges, with sales and support staff having to know all three inside out. Another challenge is the company’s base which is situated at Epsom which is according to (Caines, 2017). is close enough to the capital that people can commute into the city, so they are competing against London wages, therefore there are more costs related to the staff. All those challenges bring skills gap, there is a skill gap in staff training indeed, all employees need to be aware of new processes, policies and measures that result from all the acquisitions. There is also a skill gap in recruiting, there is a lack of quality candidates, in fact, the organisation face difficulties in attracting top talent. The firm has to work harder to capture the attention of skilled potential employees.

So, a position of Human resource manager will ensure that everybody is completely trained up and can do their job efficiently the new role will help employees learn new skills and develop existing ones.

It will also develop, advise on and implement procedures concerning the effective use of staff in the company. The human resource manager will be responsible for recruiting staff, which includes developing job descriptions and person specifications, organising job adverts, checking application forms, shortlisting, interviewing and choosing applicants in order to recruit candidates with the right skill.

He will also help to design and developing structures, he will work with the employers to establish the company’s needs which will help to coordinate the developments and ensures it works for the organisation’s present and future needs.

In order to work in this company, employers seek candidates who are calm, patient and assertive, with excellent negotiation, communication, interpersonal skills to form effective working relationships with people at all levels.  They should also have strong analytical, problem-solving, organisational skills and the ability to understand detailed information. Additionally, strong IT skills and being able of obtaining and applying specified legal, technical and regulatory information are required.

2.      Approach to recruitment

The Human Resource team will recruit externally using the Internet and online recruitment agencies,

The important change in recruiting procedures has been the growth in the use of online recruiting (Gusdorf, 2008).

In order to attract the right candidates, the new role description will be advertising on the company website in the career section and on LinkedIn. This plays an essential part by delivering information about the company to applicants, allowing the organisation to measure and trace the success of recruitment communications campaigns and supply a platform through which to evaluate applicants in the early phases of the recruitment procedure. On LinkedIn, two different methods will be used. First, the position will be advertised, and second, probable applicants will be observed through second- and third-party connections via instant contacts and demanding an interview.

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This process has some advantages such as, it costs less than traditional advertising. It is simple and fast to post a job advert. The answers arrive quicker, in bigger quantity and a larger range of candidates is generated. Online approaches can also filter submissions and provide some selection analyses. Therefore, this method considerably reduces the time needed for the human resource team to create a pool of skilled applicants. The online method is extremely common with job searchers as well due to the simplicity of submission allowing them to send many resumes in a few clicks. Although this a good process it can generate difficulties for Human Resource, in fact, procedures need to be in practice in order to screen out candidates who do not have minimum job requirements. The simplicity of applying for an employment online can cause an important amount of request which necessitates the HR team to devote time verifying applications to select those who are truly qualified. 

Recruitment agencies or recruitment companies will also be used to find suitable candidates for the position. This can prove to be an expensive but effective process. The agency does the initial selection of applicants and presents possible employees who meet all the requirements of experience, education and training. This method can save a great deal of time however, private agency fees can be pricey mainly when filling executive-level positions (Gusdorf, 2008).  

II.                   Conclusion

This essay has demonstrated the suggested structure in term of the recruitment process. 

It has proved to be a very complex process and requires serious resource. It has also highlighted the role of a prior analysis in order to find the skills gap in a company. This analysis guarantees that the best suitable participants are selected for the position and that they have the required skills and qualifications. The diverse recruiting techniques that have been specified in this report shows, that those techniques necessitate an important level of consideration and essential preparation. Additionally, through the recruitment practises the HR section it is not the only department implicated. In fact, the finance department also delivers the budget needed and the skills gap are determined by the contribution of all the sections

III.                 References

IV.                Appendices


Permanent Full Time

Location: Epsom, Surrey

Working Hours: 37.5 hours per week, Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm


The Company

Send for Help Group is the fastest growing and the leading lone worker protection corporation in the UK, delivering safety measures to companies with lone workers or vulnerable people. Send for Help have been recognised twice by the UK the Sunday Times fastest growing companies, 47th in 2016 and 80th in 2017.


Job overview

Responsible for ensuring that the group has the correct number of employees in terms of skill and experience, and that training and development measures are accessible to staffs to improve their performance and reach the company’s business objectives.


Scope of Work

  • supporting line managers to realise and apply strategies and policies
  • undertaking regular salary reviews
  • developing HR improvement plans, which reflect on instant and long-term staff needs
  • preparing and providing training, comprising new employees’ orientations
  • investigating training requirements in combination with departmental managers.
  • managing payroll and preserving staff records


  • business awareness and management skills
  • aptitude to evaluate, understand and clarify employment regulation
  • interest and an enthusiasm to experiment administrative culture
  • influencing and negotiating abilities to realise staffs’ procedures
  • solid analytical skills, comprising the capacity to solve problems
  • aptitude to manage a leadership responsibility.



HR or business degree


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