Britains Got Talent Program Media Essay

Modified: 1st Jan 2015
Wordcount: 1678 words
Media Student

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Britain’s Got Talent (BGT) is a British television series aired on ITV and TV3. The theme of the program involves competition among various singers, dancers, comedians, gymnasts and other type of performers. Four series of the program have been aired till now and the winner of each series got an entertainment and performance contract worth £100,000 and had the privilege to perform in front of the Queen at Royal Variety Performance. The first series was premiered on June 9, 2007 and concluded with a live final on July 16, 2007. Recently its fourth season has ended on June 5 2010 which was one by a gymnastic group Spellbound.

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The beauty of the program is that ordinary people with no exposure or reference have the chance to come on stage, participate in the cut-throat competition in front of 3,000 studio audience and at the end of the series the rightful winner gets the chance of performing at Royal Variety Performance. The judges of BGT includes Piers Morgan, Amanda Holden and of course the creator of BGT’s format, Simon Cowell who was also the creator of The X Factor and had participated as a judge in American Idol. He is largely believed to be at the forefront of the judge panel. The judges travel to almost all the major cities of UK to record the auditions. The performers have to put a good show in front of the audience and judges to get to the next round, however, if Judges don’t like some contestant, he/she will be buzzed out. So artists have to show not only a splendid act but they also have to gain the favor of judges and audience to remain in the show. However, it is the public who ultimately decides the fate of the performers. Judges usually favor those contestants who are liked by public. When all performances are made than phone lines opens for some time during which audience votes for the performance, they like most. Britain’s Got Talent program’s previous series, semi – final and final rounds were aired live on television. Although Simon Cowell is the creator of Got Talent series worldwide, but Britain’s Got Talent has produced some remarkable artists, the likes of which were never seen before. So far 54 episodes have been shown in four series with durations ranging from 30 to 150 minutes. BGT’s fifth series is expected to go live in June 2011. For its fifth series Simon Cowell will not appear as a judge. Simon Cowell will not take auditions, and will only be invited for live shows. The judges that have been selected for Britain Got Talent fifth series are; Kelly Brook, Emma Bunton, Alan Carr, Louis Walsh, Charlotte Church, Louie Spence, and Paul Ogrady.

Britain’s Got Talent has revolutionized the format of talent shows. The extent of popularity of Britain’s Got Talent can be judged by the fact that it has 734,000 fans on its Facebook page and 18,300 followers on Twitter. Britain Got Talent also earned the credit of introducing Susan Boyle to the world, a 47 year old Scottish artist who sung “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables in BGT and got 20million hits on the YouTube video of her performance. She stood second in thirds series of Britain Got Talent, and her performance attracted huge audience from countries across the globe. Domino’s Pizza has been the official sponsor of Britain’s got Talent and it designed special ads to endorse this partnership. Due to its popularity among masses, Britain Got Talent helped Domino’s Pizza in increasing its revenues by 14% to £155million pre-tax profit by 27.8% to £29.9million for year ended 2009.

Chris Moore, CEO of Domino’s Pizza seems very pleased with the outcome. He said: “Our sponsorship of Britain’s Got Talent took on a whole new dimension with the Susan Boyle phenomenon. With viewing figures for the show exceeding everyone’s expectations, the three-year sponsorship deal proved to be a well-time decision.”

Britain’s got talent program’s success could also be seen with the fact that is related with its application. It has got more than 200,000 users. According to some statistics, people do not switch channels in the time when Britain got talent program is aired on the TV. In Britain almost every TV program is judged in the light of three typical families. These include the 10% managers and professionals, low paid population, and vast majority in the middle. Britain Got Talent gets most of its popularity from the vast population audience i.e. middle class. Britain Got Talent was nominated for two ‘National Television Awards’ in the category of ‘Most Popular Talent Show’ in 2007 and 2008. Since 2007, British got Talent program has been nominated for twenty two times under different groups for awards. It has been successful in wining different awards 9 times out of 22. In 2008, it received an RTS Award for its technical achievements and four Nickelodeon UK Kids Choice Awards. In 2009, it won Digital Spy Reality Award for Escala for Favorite Reality Contestant.

The winner of its first series, Paul Potts and runner-up of its third series, Susan Boyle produced Platinum albums after being provided with the opportunity to showcase their talent in Britain Got Talent. Britain Got Talent provides the aspiring artists with the opportunity to show the world their gifts and hence provides a great platform for the performers who are unable to get ahead otherwise on account of lack of opportunities. We have the example of Susan Boyle, who was 47 years old singer but never thought she would be able to get out of her simple village life and show the world her remarkable talent. While Britain’s got Talent program had been admired by many people, this program is also subject to criticism by some people. According to them, this program creates bundles of hopes in contestant’s minds. Contestants have to wait all day just to give auditions of few seconds in front of judges. Their stance is that Britain’s got talent program’s team does not entertain their contestants during their wait. Contestants had to wait not just all day but also with hunger and thirst. In addition, some disqualified contestants had complained that judges had been unfair with them during their decisions.

The popularity of Britain’s Got Talent program has convinced many producers of different channels all around the globe to launch similar kind of programs in their own regions. Similar kind of programs that have started after Britain’s got talent in different countries are American Got Talent, Australia Got Talent, India Got Talent, World’s Got Talent and many others. American Got Talent is the program which can be benchmarked against Britain’s Got Talent. The next section of this report draws a comparison between Britain Got Talent and American Got Talent.

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Both Britain’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent are very famous reality shows on TV. The idea behind the shows is same to promote and find the unique and exceptional talent which does not get the platform and chance to promote their selves at national and international level. The format of the both program is almost same like auditions, shows and elimination criteria. Got Talent programs are most watched and liked by the age group of 18 to 50. Got Talent franchise was invented by British and despite that fact Britain’s Got Talent was not started at that time due to the dispute of the Paul O’Grady with ITV and Britain’s Got Talent was not able to on air and America’s Got Talent was started prior to the Britain’s Got Talent and broadcasted on NBC. Britain’s Got Talent is broadcasted on the channel ITV and TV3 Ireland and the show was commenced on June 9, 2007 and on the other hand America’s Got Talent is broadcasted on the channel NBC and it was commenced on 29, June 2006.

Simon Cowell is a creator of the Got Talent Franchise and also doing the judging in the Britain’s Got Talent and also the active creator of the America’s Got Talent but he has been prevented from judging at America’s Got Talent due to the its contract with American Idol. Britain’s Got Talent is presented by the same presenters since it started in June 2007 whose name are Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly both are collectively and famously known as Ant & Dec and America’s Got Talent is host and presented by the different presenter which includes the Nic Cannon, Jerry Springer and Regis Philbin.

The total run time of the one episode of the Britain’s Got Talent is 30 to 150 minutes and America’s Got Talent total duration is 60-120 minutes. Britain’s Got Talent winning amount is £100,000 and also the winner of the competition will get a chance to perform at Royal Variety Performance while America’s Got Talent winning amount is $1 million which will be paid to the winner of the competition over the financial annuity of 40 years or the winner can get the lump sum of the present value of that prize. America’s Got Talent has now become more popular than the American Idol and ratings of the program has increased dramatically on the other side Britain’s Got Talent is the most favorite and watched program in Britain. According to the some surveys people do not switch their channels until program finished.

The companion show of Britain’s Got Talent is Britain’s Got More Talent which is telecasted on ITV2 and TV3 Ireland to show the behind the scenes footage and emotional responses of the participants after the judges’ comments on their performance but there is no such a program. There are total four series of Britain’s Got Talent which include the almost 54 episodes has been broadcasted till 2010 while almost 60 episodes of America’s Got Talent have been broadcasted till 2009 in its 4 show series and 2010 season is continue.


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