Creation of Film Trailer Report

Modified: 23rd Sep 2019
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Bite Spin-Off Trailer Written Report





4.1  Research………………………………………………………………………..4




6.2  Post-Production………………………………………………………………..6




4 Introduction


This report demonstrates various techniques used to produce a fictional movie trailer called Bite Spin Off. The original script was produced by the Producer and the storyline is about an individual that travels to a summer destination using an airplane which 10 minutes into the journey gets engulfed by fire. The airplane will land in a deserted island where the main actor will be offered transportation to an unknown destination in a taxi while discovering that he is the only person on earth alive. He also discovers that he is being chased by a creature at the end. The trailer is structured in an interesting way catching the audience’s attention from the beginning as the creature makes a rare appearance at the end leaving the viewers wanting to see the original movie.

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Steven Spielberg (n.d.) states that “People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.” He emphasizes that movie stories that are produced have lost their true meaning as it is all about the end vision of the production at the end giving away the plot from the beginning.

4.1 Research

Undertaking some research to gain an understanding of what BBFC is was crucial as this trailer needed a target audience. Wikipedia BBFC (2018) states that BBFC stands for British Board of Film Classification. At the start of each movie a warning message will appear to restrict certain viewers from viewing the movie if they are under the age it requires.

The trailer Bite Spin Off is a 15 and above production. At the start of the trailer a warning message similar to the image below will appear warning its viewers about the content they will expect to see in the trailer.

                                           Image 1



The inspiration came from a blockbuster movie called Bite directed by Chad Archibald which is about a certain character that gets bitten by an unknown insect on a getaway vacation.

                                           Image 2



                                                 5 Methodology

5.1 Pre -Production


The first stage during this production was to produce pre-production documents that assisted in producing this trailer. During this stage the concept behind the trailer was constructed which involved discovering the theme and narrative of this trailer. Drafting a script first was crucial in selecting the right audience and the project timeframe for this trailer. It was important to get the script right as it helped in turning that idea into reality and meeting the assignments objectives. A shot list which was used on location as this trailer was filmed (to edit a technique which helped with transition in post-production) was used to get the camera angles and positioning correct. Most of the time was utilised during this stage and during editing. The graph below shows how time was allocated to each stage in the making of this trailer.


Images below shows different Pre – production documents that was used in this production.






Top Left Image – Image 3 Release Form                                                        

Top Middle Image – Image 4 Pitch Template 

Top Right Image – Image 5 Storyboard

Bottom Left Image – Image 6 Script

Bottom Middle Image – Image 7 Shot List

Bottom Right Image – Image 8 Narrative Script


Before rolling the camera the first task was to formulate a script that was used in designing the storyboard. Having the release form signed by the actor was crucial in the beginning to make him aware of the video usage and request his consent. The director had to pitch the idea to the actor early before filming, allowing him time to rehearse the script and vision the idea of how the video should resemble. Having the Shot list on set assisted in directing each scene in chronological order. Carrying out research regarding movie trailers assisted in writing the script and the narrative script.


6.1 Production


The first task was to record the intro of the trailer which was filmed on a green screen. The purpose of this was to blend in with the airplane`s inside interior to give the impression that the actor was inside an Aeroplane. The other scene was also filmed on a green screen which was blended in with a video of inside a taxi. The body and the rest of the video was filmed at a local park to give the viewers an impression that it was a deserted island which was the main concept of the trailer. Every scene was filmed in 4 hours allowing enough time to transfer videos to a hard drive before post-production.


6.2 Post -Production


This third and final stage took two weeks to complete because it involved editing all the raw footage filmed on set, cut each scene according to the shot list, use natural transition, colour correction/grading, recording voiceover also editing the audio levels and applying text. This stage transformed the editing timeline into a sequence that tells a story.

Chiwetel Ejiofor (n.d.) Hollywood actor states that “Normally, if you’re lucky, the idea of a film you have in your head is more or less what you get back when you see it after the editing and the whole post-production process.” What he is trying to emphasise is post-production is crucial in bringing your idea into a movie. It might not look the same as you imagined it but with professional editing it can transpire into a blockbuster production. The final trailer is 2 minutes 21 seconds. Images below describe different post – production techniques used throughout the whole timeframe.




The first task was to create a warning screen message to warn the viewers about the content featured in the trailer. This was made with text and squares being positioned on top of each other.

This Aeroplane had the producers name attached to it and to acquire this feature the first task was to create a null object which represents a target for tracking motion, click on the track motion panel which the motion tracker was positioned on the nose of the aeroplane. A play button was clicked, and analysed after. The edit target was linked to the null object which was created at the start with dimensions set to X and Y. The last task was to “parent” the video to the Null object using a spiral icon.



Step 1                                                             Step 2                                                      Step 3 

The third task was to upload the green screen footage in After Effects and mask out the relevant part of the Image using garbage matte. The second step was to apply Keylight to remove the green screen and leave a transparent background. The clip black and white parameters were also adjusted. The last step was to import the Aeroplane Png photo and place it behind the video which is shown in step 3.

Step 4 

                                                                                               Step 5

The wing Image of the Aeroplane was turned into 3D so it can be moved back to give an impression that it was part of the Aeroplane. Fire was also added to the Image using 3D Max and the second Image shows how it was parented to the Png Image.

Step 6                                                                       Step 7                                         Step 8


Step 6 was to add a wiggle effect to the scene similar to a turbulence effect you will experience during a flight journey. This was key framed in step 8 to reduce the intensity of it and easy in and easy out the key frames. Step 7 was to subtract an Image to create a dirty inside the aeroplane feature.



In the final video between these seconds different techniques are occurring. The assignment brief required each video to have a studio release information this can be seen during these seconds. It also features external stock footages of passengers on an Aeroplane that is about to have an accident which added dramatic and fictional effect to the video. The other feature shown in the images above is a movie trailer voiceover that was made in Auditions. The inspiration came from Don Lafontaine a world known voice over actor and to imitate his voice different techniques were applied to the voice over. Pitch Shifter harmonised the voice over and the use of Amplify was also used to increase the volume.


The green screen technique which was used in the opening scene, the same techniques were also applied to this scene with tracking and key framing the mask so it matches with the video.

01:12 – 01:47










Most of these scenes were filmed handheld so a motion stabilizer was used to stabilize and smooth every motion.

01:47 – 02:29

A lot of techniques were applied at the end of the trailer the first one was to apply fire into the scene using blending modes and screen was applied. The second effect was to create an eye flicking effect and this was done by creating a rectangle covering the whole screen and selecting the ellipse tool. The mode was changed to Stencil Alpha and Gaussian blur was also applied to the ellipse tool. Under the transform menu unclick the constrain proportion which allows a certain part of the object to be moved. Colour correction was applied to different scenes to create a night vision that animals see in. Curves were adjusted to balance the RGB and Hue/Saturation was adjusted to create the Blue and Red effect.


10 Results


Overall all the final movie trailer was a success because the effects used helped in shaping the direction of the video. The final video matched the assignment brief because it covered most of the requirements.

10.1 Conclusion


To improve this video the spelling in most scenes could have been improved as most things were not spelled properly, using a different location could have helped in telling the story. Different audio effects could have been used at the end to make it more dramatic. Overall all it served a purpose of a fictional trailer.

11 References

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