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Archaeology Essays

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Example Archaeology Essays (Page 1)

How have Archaeologists' Interpretations of Sex and Gender changed
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Aug 2021
Introduction: This essay attempts to answer the questions, How have archaeologists’ attempts to interpret sex and gender relations in the past changed?...

Overview of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic Periods
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Dec 2020
Introduction: In the Paleolithic period, specifically the middle and upper Paleolithic periods, humans were beginning to advance and culturally develop at an unprecedented rate. The production of food and the creation and implementation of different...

Critical Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Dec 2020
Introduction: The Caddo people, also known as the Hasinai, at their peak circa A.D.1100, were the most highly developed prehistoric culture within the state of Texas. The area that is now Alto, Texas, was selected by Caddo Indians as a permanent settlement in A.D. 800....

How Is It Possible to Study People, Rather than ‘Art’ or ‘Architecture’ or ‘Objects’, Through Material Remains?
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Dec 2020
Introduction: The expression of civic identity can be interpreted through material remains such as funerary monuments during the Roman period, as they provide material testimony of one’s life as well as facilitating status, recognition, legitimacy and identity amongst the living....

DNA Analysis and Facial Reconstruction of Human Skull
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: The mystery of box 9 Introduction Box 9 encompassed a complete skull, articulated pelvis and right femur, all from a single, unknown individual. Sex, age, ethnicity, height and...

Historical and Archaeological Evidence for the Existence of the Trojan War
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: What is (or is not) the most convincing historical and archaeological evidence for the actual existence of the Trojan War? The existence of the Trojan War can be examined from the Epic C...

Evaluation of the Dark Age of Greece
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: Was the ‘Dark Age’ of Greece really dark? Evaluate the Kinds of Evidence we have for this Period of Greek Archaeology The aim of this essay is to explore whether the ‘Dark Age’ o...

Cattle of the British Neolithic Era Interim Analyses of Data Collected at Current site
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: Introduction The sample of animal bones from both early and late Neolithic have increased with more sites being excavated. Some sites have smaller samples due to poor preservation and/or...

Current Issues in Archaeological Theory
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: Option 2: Both the articles listed below have a similar aim (to provide a largely cognitive explanation for the placement of monuments within a landscape), but they adopt very different theoretic...

Theories of the Date of Exodus
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
Introduction: The date of exodus is specifically referring to the time when Israelites came out of Egypt. When determining the date of exodus, controversy happened among the archaeologists and historians and t...

Issues Surrounding the Interpretation of the Hominin Remains
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Sep 2019
Introduction: Issues surrounding the interpretation of the hominin remains and associated cultural evidence from Liang Bua cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia In September 2003 an archaeological ...

Ipplepen Project Excavation Analysis
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Sep 2019

Archaeological Excavation: Pros and Cons
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Jun 2018
Introduction: Can archaeological excavation of sites not under immediate threat of development or erosion be justified morally? Explore the pros and cons of research (as opposed to rescue and salvage) excavation a...

History of Iron Smelting Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Introduction: The arrival of iron smelting technology in sub-Saharan Africa played a significant role in shaping the historical record of the area by bringing profound changes to the lives and societi...

Comparison of Panhellenic Structures and Greek Sanctuaries
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: In What Ways Were Panhellenic Sanctuaries Distinctive in Comparison with Other Kinds of Greek Sanctuaries? This work is going to centre on the Panhellenic sanctuaries of Olympia and Delphi and what m...

Scientific Methods for Accurate Dating in Archaeology
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Explain the importance of the following dating methods: (a) radio carbon dating, (b) potassium argon dating, (c) seriation, (d) stratigraphy. Archaeology can be defined as “the scientific study of ...

Genetics and Linguistics in Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Introduction Population movement may be utilised to reconstruct activities during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. Recent research particularly that relating to genetics and isotopic analysis, has...

The Importance of Star Carr Mesolithic Archaeological Site
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Star Carr is considered to be an important site for understanding the Mesolithic period. Consider why this situation exists and outline what factors limit the available evidence for hunter- gathers in...

Radiocarbon Dating in Archeology
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: The science of archaeology has undeniably enriched mankind’s history and has helped to quench the quest to understand our past cultures in a better way. Understanding the age and period of existenc...

National Museums: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Role of Bangladesh National Museum to Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Review Bangladesh National Museum Abstract This paper aims to investigate the role of Bangladesh National Museum to saf...

The Evolution of Urban Society in Mesopotamia
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Where and when did the first urban societies appear? Were the earliest cities a prerequisite for the development of civilization or merely by-products of it? These are fundamental questions that are a...

Greek and Roman Houses Architecture
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: What are the significant ways in which Classical Greek and Roman houses differ? What can we learn about their households from these differences? It is important to remember that houses in the Classica...

How Celtic was Iron Age Britain?
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: The concept of classifying a period of prehistory as the Iron Age was first introduced in the 19th century, and later validated by the massively significant discoveries at Hallstatt and La Tène. Subs...

Moral Justifications for Archaeological Excavation Sites
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Can archaeological excavation of sites not under immediate threat of development or erosion be justified morally? Explore the pros and cons of research (as opposed to rescue and salvage) excavation an...

Human Remains Curatorship: Ethical or Academic?
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Apr 2018
Introduction: Abstract Biological objections are always easily evoked the public concern of ethical issue, especially in human remains. And therefore, museum professionals should treat human remains differently an...

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