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Criminology Essays

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Example Criminology Essays (Page 1)

Theories for Youth Gang Crime
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Feb 2025
Introduction: Sample student essay offering Reasons Why Teens Engage in Street Gang Related Crime. Get more on the subject from UK Essays experts. Introduction The rapid increase of criminal gangs in the United States of America has been alarming in the recent past. It had been reporte...

Street gangs in America
Example essay. Last modified: 26th Jun 2023
Introduction: Street gangs in America: Street gangs are the new big problem of organized crime in America. Gangs started out as a minor nuisance to society, but they have become to a massive crime force in America...

How Hooliganism in Football has Changed
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Oct 2022
Introduction: This report will look at Football hooliganism and how it has changed through the years. It will look at the early years of hooliganism and compare the hooliganism to today’s hooligan firms....

Should Cannabis Be Legalised In Australia?
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Aug 2022
Introduction: Cannabis is a plant that is grown using organic fertiliser, other names includes marijuana, marihuana, hashish, hemp and ganja which is made from dried leaves and small green flowers from the cannabis...

Relationship between Drug Use and Crime
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Dec 2021
Introduction: An exploration of the relationship between crime and drug use including causal theories....

Impact of Mentorship on Juvenile Offender Recidivism
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Dec 2021
Introduction: What is the difference in recidivism rates among juvenile offenders on probation who participate in a 6 month mentoring program compared to a control group?...

Relationship between Social Class, Gender and Crime
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Dec 2021
Introduction: This paper investigates the connection between social class and crime to see whether class actually does have an affect on crime. ...

Relationship between Mass Incarceration and Racial Inequality
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Nov 2021
Introduction: Mass incarceration is a common topic brought up amongst criminologists, as well as sociologists. Racism, also plays a role in our society today. The two can come together and they do quite often....

Organised Crime: Structure, Development and Counter Measures
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Nov 2021
Introduction: In this essay I will be stating the major organised crimes which are formed in our everyday life. I will also be stating and evaluating the organised structure, and the ways it is effectively curtailed using the counter-measures through the law, civil society and enforcement....

A criminological study of the film Joker (2019)
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd Nov 2021
Introduction: This paper analyses popular criminology theories and focuses on the study of the film 'Joker', by trying to find the most adequate theories to interpret crime representation in the film....

To Protect and Collect: A Nationwide Study of Profit-Motivated Police Crime in the US
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd Nov 2021
Introduction: This study reviewed 1,591 cases where a non-federal officer was arrested for one or more profit-motivated crimes between 2005–2011. These arrests included 1,396 individuals who work in 782 different U.S. law agencies in 47 states. ...

Pros and Cons of Police Body Cams
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Oct 2021
Introduction: Investigating the genuine points of interest and generally speaking measurements will decide exactly how viable body cameras are to both cops and residents....

Injustice of the American Criminal Justice and Prison System
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Oct 2021
Introduction: One of the primary problems of the US prison and criminal justice system are the policies, bills, laws, and acts that put people in prison and keep them there....

The Impact of Predictive Policing on the General Public
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: In this paper, I will be discussing the topic of predictive policing and how it affects the general public. I will be discussing what predictive policing is and how it works. I will then, review two concepts which are intertwined in the predictive policing module namely blue and black data and examine how both of those forms of data impact predictive policing....

Considering Why Hacktivism is a Cybercrime
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: Leaking private information, destroying critical data and infrastructure crosses the line from peaceful protest to destruction of property when there are more peaceful ways to protest that can be just as effective. As our digital presence increases throughout the world there is a growing risk for abuse of modern technology....

The Art of Cybercriminal Profiling
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: As cybercrime has become one of the fastest-growing types of illegal activity, not only in the United States, but within global society. The United States Department of Justice declares cyber crime as one of the country’s greatest threats....

Has Terrorism Ever Achieved its Aims?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: The overarching thesis of this essay argues that terrorism, both past and present, has not achieved its long-term aim of legitimate political dominance; never has a terrorist organisation succeeded in governing a country and enforcing its ideas and values upon the population....

The Case Against Private Prisons
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: In recent decades in the United States the number of inmates in jails and prisons has skyrocketed, increasing from just around 200,000 in 1971 to over 2 million in 2008 (Anderson). In the United States today, there are almost 2.3 million people being held in one of over 6,000 criminal justice facilities (Sawyer)....

Application of Social Reaction Theory for Juvenile Delinquency
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: The Social Reaction Theory or Perspective stresses poverty, insufficient education, skills, and sub -societies values in correlation to crime rates. Poverty, persistent exposure to violence and drugs, easy access to firearms, unstable family life and family violence, delinquent peer groups, and media are highly correlated with juvenile delinquency....

Issue of Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: Forensic psychological care and treatment present important functions in the detention and rehabilitation of individuals suffering from serious mental health disorders, who may also present a risk to society....

Patterns and Reasons of Domestic Abuse
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Oct 2021
Introduction: This essay introduces and examines the patterns and reasons for domestic violence, including the contribution of substance misuse and socio-economic factors such as; income, social class and the impact witnessing abuse as a child has. The aim is to research the patterns which include the three known phases:...

The Principles of Classicist and Positivist Criminology
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Oct 2021
Introduction: To conclude, the main difference between classism and positivism is that classicists look at punishment and positivism looks at treatment and causes of crime. However one of the main similarities between them is that they both look for causes of crime and have ideas in reducing crime but they have very different views in ways to achieve that result....

Arguments Against Effectiveness of Prisons
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Oct 2021
Introduction: Many advocates of prison believe the prison system works based upon two major purposes: rehabilitation and retribution. This essay argues against the effectiveness of these....

The Portrayal of Drugs in Television and Movies
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Sep 2021
Introduction: Television seems to glorify drinking alcohol and the use of nicotine. In shows such as CBS Two and a Half Men, Fox’s Happy Hour and ABC’s Brothers and Sisters, cocktails and cigarettes have replaced the usual cup of coffee after work. These shows portray negative messages that drinking after work or at social gatherings is socially accepted....

Problems and Limitations with Harm Reduction
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Sep 2021
Introduction: Any individual hoping to investigate what the problems and limitations of harm reduction are as it stands now and the direction it should go in, must be aware of the development of harm reduction as a solution to drug use....

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