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English Literature Essays

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Example English Literature Essays (Page 1)

How does Macbeth Change throughout the Play?
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Aug 2024
Introduction: In this essay the influences that Macbeth was exposed to and the effect that Shakespeare’s use of dramatic devices has on the audience’s understanding will be explored....

1,000 Word Essay on Animal Farm
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Aug 2024
Introduction: This is an example of a 1,000 word academic essay on George Orwell's Animal Farm, a powerful allegorical novella that serves as a scathing critique of totalitarianism....

The Irony in 'The Truman Show' and 'The Stranger'
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Jun 2023
Introduction: Truman from The Truman Show and Meursault from The Stranger both have things that foreshadow their ultimate choices in life, which include symbolism, existential themes, and irony....

An Essay on the Sex and Love in George Orwell’s 1984
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Feb 2023
Introduction: George Orwells novel 1984 explores intimate human relationships in a bleak futuristic society as experienced by protagonist Winston Smith. Since there are few bonds stronger than those developed from loving relationships among family, friends, and lovers, the only entity acceptable to love in Oceania is the face of the Party, Big Brother....

An Analysis of 1984 by George Orwell
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Feb 2023
Introduction: George Orwell’s most acclaimed work, 1984, is a dystopian novel set in a futuristic surveillance society. The term Orwell coins in the book for this type of culture is “oligarchical collectivism...

An Essay on the Propaganda and Power in 1984 by George Orwell
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Feb 2023
Introduction: The intricate system employed by “the party” in 1984 ensures its control of the Oceanic population and involves manipulation, propaganda, deception and the use of mechanisms of oppression....

The Interpretation of Misogyny in Taming of the Shrew
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2022
Introduction: Over the years, there has been much speculation into how Shakespeare intended The Taming of the Shrew with ideas about the role of women, to be interpreted. It has been subjected to much harsh criticism surrounding its misogynistic content....

Margaret Atwood » The Circle Game
Example essay. Last modified: 31st Dec 2021
Introduction: Her first publication was a book of poetry, The Circle Game 1964, which received the Governor General’s Literary Award for poetry (Canada), Several other poetry collections have followed since, ...

Sir Gawain and The Green Knight​: Who is The Christian Hero?
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Nov 2021
Introduction: Chivalry is a large theme in the epic poem, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight; ​ ​the poem's author is still unknown, but is dubbed as the ...

From Being to a Monster: The Influence of Society in Frankenstein
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Nov 2021
Introduction: Shelley shows in Frankenstein that what makes an individual feel rejected and lonely are the people around them, in other words, society....

Meaning of Life and Existence Through the Use of Humour in Beckett's Endgame
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: Samuel Beckett’s Endgame, like most of his works contain many comedic features, but they are not traditional comedies. In a sense, they can be called black comedy—they feature tough and distressing subjects and use characters in depressing situations that are dealt in a humorous way....

Concept of Change in The Catcher in the Rye
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: When the time comes, humans must board the train of change toward the destination of personal growth and prosperity. In the novel, Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger displays how individuals often face change and the future with uncertainty....

Analysis of 'Girl' by Jamaica Kincaid
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: This is a short anecdote about how ladies are being told how they ought to carry on beginning from their adolescence. A beautiful monolog engaging advices went from mother to her little girl. It investigates the essential topic of sex disparity through the astute work of an auxiliary structure that breaks (and makes) the account rules....

Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: The events of the storyteller in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's ...

A Feminist Lens Critique on Bradamante’s Role of Gender and Being a Warrior
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: In Ludovico Ariosto’s epic poem, Orlando Furioso, Bradamante is an important protagonist because she is a woman warrior. She is a progressive and transgressive protagonist because she was at the forefront of this evolution in women’s roles and women being represented as warriors...

Gothic Elements in Jane Eyre and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Stevenson are both examples of nineteenth century works that employ the use of the gothic tropes and motifs in order to elicit a sense of uneasiness and horror in its readers...

Frederick Henry's Journey in A Farewell to Arms
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: Frederic Henry saw death constantly throughout the war, but the deaths of the people closest to him left the greatest impact on his life because his life was never the same after losing the people he cared about the most....

Change of Heart in The Young King and The Happy Prince
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: The Young King and The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde are both stories about having a change of heart towards others, mainly the poor and underprivileged. The Young King has a change of heart when he has 3 dreams, all making the young Prince’s eyes open to the struggles of the poor at the hands of the rich and powerful. ...

Theme of Revenge in The Tempest
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: There is a multitude of themes in the play The Tempest but the most prominent theme throughout the entirety of the play is the theme revenge. Revenge is a large motive in the play that drove Prospero to enact his revenge on the various characters that did him wrong. He uses his spirit Ariel to do his dirty deeds throughout the play....

The Ghost King as the Minor Character in “Hamlet”
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Oct 2021
Introduction: In the main character, Hamlet is a representation of the human soul’s complexity. This complexity is further worked into the theme of the play by use of other minor characters. In this paper, I will discuss the minor character of the ghost of King Hamlet and his particular significance to the overall themes of the play....

Gregory Williams' Life On The Color Line
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Oct 2021
Introduction: This book has captured the ability to show how racism is a burden and how to avoid racist attitude. The book displays the innocence of a young boy and his brother who face rejection in tender part of their life in both the white and the black community....

Hamlet's Antic Disposition
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Oct 2021
Introduction: When his friends see him he will be acting crazy but will actually be pretending. The antic disposition is part of Hamlets brilliant plan to see if Claudius did kill his father, and take revenge....

The Relationship Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Oct 2021
Introduction: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship is an intricate one in which they ironically exchange roles throughout the play. In the beginning, Lady Macbeth was the one who was ambitious and authoritative, meanwhile, Macbeth felt guilt and uncertainty. However, the turning point was when Macbeth murdered King Duncan....

'Disabled' by Wilfred Owen and 'Out, out’ by Robert Frost
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Oct 2021
Introduction: The poems Disabled by Wilfred Owen and ‘Out, out by Robert Frost were written 1917 and 1916 respectively, the poems were both written with the theme of loss featuring prominently throughout the narrative....

Imagery and Language in 'Little Boy Crying' and 'Plenty'
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Sep 2021
Introduction: “Little Boy Crying” by Mervyn Morris and “Plenty” by Isobel Dixon both explore the vivid childhood memories and experiences of the poets. In “Little Boy Crying,” a father deals with the troubles of raising a and disciplining a child; whereas in “Plenty,” Dixon describes her youth when she and her sisters could not afford the things they so greedily stole behind their mother’s back....

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