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General Studies Essays

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Example General Studies Essays (Page 1)

Demystifying Medical Marijuana and CBD
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Aug 2022
Introduction: As additional states continue to pass laws that allow for the use of medical and recreational marijuana, it is important for us as providers to be able to answer basic questions that patients will inevitably have....

Arguments for Free Healthcare
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Oct 2021
Introduction: Governments’ fear of universal healthcare is driven by the tendency to avoid the large expense required therein. Moreover, administration logistics and management complexity is considered costly and has a high likelihood of failing....

TV Addiction Problem
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Aug 2021
Introduction: Most people of my generation have never known life without television. We have grown up sitting in the living room in front of the flickering TV screen. It is hard for us to see how television affects our lives. The belief that television is destructive to communication among family and friends is quite common....

Challenges of Protecting America's Critical Infrastructure
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Jul 2021
Introduction: One undisputable fact regards the significant role that the critical infrastructure plays in the provision of crucial services that a society needs for it thrive. For example, the power and water used in homes, security, transport and communication networks, and shopping stores among others together offer a society a good infrastructural base...

Online Learning vs Face-to-face Learning
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Jul 2021
Introduction: Face-to-Face learning is better than online learning because of the interactions and examples of face to face learning will benefit the learner the most. One of the most beneficial means of physically being in a classroom is the response time that a person receives from an actual person, such as a professor, versus an online class instructor....

Methodology Research Data
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction According to Walliman (2001), a methodology explains the theory behind the research methods or approaches. This chapter highlights the theories behind the methodology employed and examine...

Benefits of Peer-Review Research
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Sep 2019
Introduction: Peer-Review Search Abstract  Peer-review is a method of reviewing a person that completes a research paper on their ideas and thought to be reviewed by other individuals t...

Is Fantasy Football a Form of Gambling?
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Sep 2019
Introduction: Fantasy Football is Gambling According to Forbes.com, “39% of male Fantasy Football players would sacrifice beer for an entire season to win their Fantasy league, 19% would ditch thei...

Prime Numbers: History, Facts and Examples
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Jul 2019
Introduction: Prime Numbers: An Introduction Prime number is the number, which is greater than 1 and cannot be divided by any number excluding itself and one. A prime number is a positive integer that has just two...

Gender Selection: Ethical Dilemma
Example essay. Last modified: 15th Aug 2018
Introduction: 1.0 INTRODUCTION “Over the course of human history, the gender of a newborn child has mostly been a surprise and an uncontrollable aspect of the lifecycle” (Akchurin and Kartzke 2012). However, w...

Case Study the Kader Toy Factory Fire
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Jan 2018

Theories of Evolution and Intelligent Design
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Humans have a profound longing to know their roots. In the broadest context, this longing expresses itself as a desire to understand how the universe itself came to exist, in a more particular framewo...

Principles of Maritime Administration and Policy
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: I. Introduction Clearly stated in Article 94 UNCLOS 1982 that one of the duties of flag state is to take such measures for ships flying its flag as are necessary to ensure safety at sea, which require...

Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Corporate governance paradigm is based on the argument of Berle and Means (1932) that separation of ownership and control leads to the problems associated with agency t...

Ethical Issues in Addiction Counselling
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Ethical Issues in Addiction Counseling Although counselors and psychologists remain focused in their professional ethics by following ethical standards which are similar; this is not the case in addic...

History of the Microwave Oven
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Have you ever imagined your life without a microwave oven? To begin with, the word microwave is originated from the Greek word 'micros', which means......

Antenna Technology Wireless
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Definition Antenna is an electronic device mostly known as transducer that is designed to receive and transmit electromagnetic waves and can be very effective in the telecommunication systems. It was...

Works Of Andy Goldsworthy
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: It is immediately evident that Goldsworthy’s works, in general, strongly accentuate texture and shape. Goldsworthy describes the working process as a tactile expression, implying the involvement...

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: “Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” Every phase of human life uses at least one of Edison’s inventions. Edison’s determination was impor...

Devadasi System in India
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Commonly known as ‘dancing girls’ or ‘temple girls’ is a system that has come in to existence for more than thousand years. When the great tamil kings belonging to the erstwhil...

Strategies of Negotiations
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: Abstract Since early childhood we have learned to negotiate although we probably didn’t really realize it. While the tactics we used when we were young were more on an emotional basis we still k...

Negative Impacts of an Ageing Population
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Dec 2017
Introduction: What problems might governments face with an ageing population? Discuss what can be done to alleviate these problems? Nowadays, the issue of ageing population is a subject of much attention in all ove...

How to Plan an Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Sep 2017
Introduction: Writing the Draft Building Confidence The most important thing, when one starts writing the first draft is to start it with the confidence that it is not a difficult task. In order to start writing t...

Preventing Animal Abuse
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Sep 2017
Introduction: 1. Introduction Animal abuse is the form of mistreatment of animal that is often falls into three categories: neglect, intentionally and unintentionally. Firstly, failure to give daily necessities ...

Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Heart
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
Introduction:   The heart is a muscular pump, cone shaped, hollow organ that lies in the chest cavity, the apex inclining towards the left cavity. It is divided into four areas, the upper right and left atria a...

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