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Information Technology Essays

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Example Information Technology Essays (Page 1)

AI Essay Writer – The future of essay writing?
Example essay. Last modified: 12th Oct 2023
Introduction: In recent years there has been an explosion in AI writing apps with uses expanding into all areas of modern life. One particular niche that has seen a huge increase in AI usage is education, with AI essay writers now being capable of writing academic essays and assignment on any subject....

The United Arab Emirates University Information Technology Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2023
Introduction: The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) is one of the largest higher learning institutions in United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates University will be an internationally distinguished comp...

Essay Discussing Project Management in Business
Example essay. Last modified: 17th Jan 2023
Introduction: This paper has the purpose to discuss about project management and its importance in the business world. It will then refer to project life management and the advantages of project management to companies...

Application of Technology to Poultry Farming Business
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Dec 2021
Introduction: Applying technology to poultry farm business such as mechanized and automated form of commercialized farming, will improve productions and generate more revenue to the business. ...

The Global Digital Divide
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Nov 2021
Introduction: The global digital divide is an ongoing debate that includes a variety of contributing factors that will be discussed in this paper such as cultural, political, and economic issues....

Foundations of Data Mining
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Nov 2021
Introduction: The goal of data mining is not entirely to the extraction of data but also to establish patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data....

Comparison of Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Nov 2021
Introduction: In this essay, the author will be looking at both host-based intrusion and network intrusion detection, identifying what classifies as a NID and comparing different types of NIDS....

Design and Implement a Web-based online Airline Reservation System
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Sep 2021
Introduction: The aim of the project is to design and implement a Web-based online Airline Reservation System. The project will be implemented using 3-tier architecture; JSP, JavaServlets, MySQL database and the Apache Tomcat server....

The Ultimate Goal of the JIT Production System
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Sep 2021
Introduction: JIT is a Japanese concept. Also called the Toyota production system, it aims at producing the necessary parts in quantities needed, at the time they are required. The ultimate goal of JIT is to eliminate inventory, to have minimal work in process inventory monitored by reduction in working capital....

The Evolution of Database Management System
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Sep 2021
Introduction: The main objective of the database is to ensure that data can be stored and retrieved easily and effectively. It is a compilation of data (records) in a structured way. In a database, the information is stored in a tabular form where data may or may not be interlinked....

Examining The Importance of Hardware and Software
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Sep 2021
Introduction: A computer is made up of combination of two components, which is hardware and software. Both components are important and have its own functions and meaningful usages. The simplest definition of hardware is the thing which we can touch and software is the thing which we cannot touch but only feel....

Advantages and Disadvantages of HRIS in HRM
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Sep 2021
Introduction: Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) have evolved since the 1980s from relatively simple computer applications to virtual vaults of sophisticated human resources information and processes....

Information technology in our daily lives
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Sep 2021
Introduction: In this essay I would explore the riddle, that is ‘information technology’ as the most subtle element and a decisive factor in the effective running of our daily life, which means looking at the way we consume information technology and the end uses....

The Application of MIS at Honda
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Sep 2021
Introduction: Managers of Honda have to administer the intricacy of the supply chain, internal control and manufacturing as well as meeting the customer and distribution demands. In today’s business environment manufacturers are forced to make effective decisions on a regular basis with the limited information system....

The Information Systems in the Manufacturing Industry
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021
Introduction: Information systems plays a major role to coordinate activities within manufacturing industry, between manufacturing industry along the production chain and between manufacturing industry and outside organizations such as financial organizations....

Role of ICT in Research
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021
Introduction: Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies in teaching, learning and research has come a long way and so is the use of various web2.0 tools . The researchers need to change with changing times and need to understand today’s fast changing knowledge base and its peculiarities....

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021
Introduction: Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or as any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research as opposed to basic research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe....

The Communication Process and its Importance
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021
Introduction: The 8 elements involved in a communication process is source, encode, channel of message communication, decode, receiver, response, feedback and noise then back to the source. The most important element needed for the communication process is message....

Verification and Validation Approaches
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Sep 2021
Introduction: Verification and validation are used to ensure that the software system meets its purpose and specification. Verification and validation also ensure that the software system must be good enough for its intended use....

Paypal Business Analysis Using SWOT and Porter's Five Forces
Example essay. Last modified: 10th Sep 2021
Introduction: A look at Paypal's company practices and business analysis using a SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces model....

History of Antivirus Software
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Sep 2021
Introduction: There are competing claims for the innovator of the first antivirus product. Possibly the first publicly documented removal of a computer virus in the wild was performed by Brent Fix in 1987. An antivirus program to counter the Polish MKS virus was released in 1987. Dr. Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit, AIDSTEST and AntiVir were released by in 1988....

Ultimate Goal of any Management Information System
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Sep 2021
Introduction: This report looks at the application of integrated MIS in a service based or manufacturing based organization and critically evaluate how this has helped them to improve their performance in the context to the three main functions defined for an integrated MIS, followed by future recommendations that will be beneficial to the organization....

Review of Information Security and Cryptography
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
Introduction: This paper aims to provide a total review of Information security and cryptography, “Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access (PROXY SERVERS), use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction”....

A Case Study of Cloud Migration
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
Introduction: A fictitious company, Funtimes Gaming, has seen substantial growth recently due to a board game they released being very popular. Because of this, their web site has seen drops in performance and unavailability. Funtimes Gaming needs to migrate their servers to a cloud environment in order to handle the rapid growth and high demand of the company websites....

Explanation of Concurrent Execution of Database
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
Introduction: Multiple transactions are allowed to run concurrently in the system. Concurrent execution of database is meant by execution of database in parallel. i.e. each transaction must behave in isolation. This means that the concurrent execution does not result an inconsistent state....

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