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International Relations Essays

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Example International Relations Essays (Page 1)

Climate Change is the Biggest Threat to Humankind
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Aug 2024
Introduction: Question 1: “The greatest threat to the future of humankind is not a nuclear holocaust, a conflict between the US and China, or terrorism, but rather the global climate change.” Glob...

The United States’ Increasing Legitimacy
Example essay. Last modified: 26th Jul 2023
Introduction: Prompt: The legitimacy of the United States government has increased over time. Identify and explain how the following increased legitimacy: ●       the C...

Puerto Rico's Relationship with the United States
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Jun 2023
Introduction:  In the year 1898, there was a war between Spain and the United States that started the way Puerto Rico would look like for many years to come. The United States went into the war of 1898 wh...

Saudi Arabia's Relationship with the UK
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2023
Introduction: All in all, despite the fact that there are some unmistakable similitudes between the way of life of the two nations, there are additionally numerous distinctions. These distinctions are to a great extent a result of religion and history. Later on, almost certainly, the connection between the way of life will change....

The China-US Trade War: Causes and Impacts
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Nov 2021
Introduction: The aim of this paper is to analyse the current trade dispute between China and the United States of America and argue its negative and positive impacts....

Postcolonial International Relations Theory
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Oct 2021
Introduction: This paper aims to explore how postcolonial IR theory offers an alternative to mainstream IR, which is known to have neglected Third World issues....

Concepts of Deterrence and Diplomacy
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Sep 2021
Introduction: The paper will discuss on deterrence as diplomacy means. Carl Von Clausewitz emphasized that war is not only as an actor in politic, thus as the instrument in politic. War could influence politic decision making. Nowadays, WMD might be used as another diplomatic means to achieve one country’s goals....

Hegemonic Stability Theory's Impact on War
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Aug 2021
Introduction: The theory of hegemonic stability is critical because it captures the tendency of the leading powers in the world using force to assert their dominance. Similarly, the world super powers also use their positions to create ideas, alliances, and institutions which allow for free participation of other states in a relatively open free participation....

Review of China's Relationship with Africa
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Jul 2021
Introduction: This review will take an in-depth analysis of human development in the region and specific factors that contribute to Chinese investments and whether or not they show significant results in determining the improvement of life of the general population in Sub-Saharan African countries....

Obama Administration's Decision To Use UAVs in Pakistan
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Apr 2021
Introduction: This paper will attempt to dissect, analyse and understand how and why the Obama administration increased the use of remote piloted vehicles in his first term as President....

Diplomacy in International Relations
Example essay. Last modified: 15th Dec 2020
Introduction: Each century believes that its time is exclusive and uncommon, an ideal change from past actions and how international relations was regulated. Diplomacy is an art and process of handling and managing negotiations....

Liberalism in International Organisations
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Nov 2020
Introduction: Pevehouse et al (2004) describes the 3 factors that define international organisations, within this essay I will be focusing on the United Nations (UN) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)....

Equalising the Politics of Gender: A Feminist Approach to Foreign Security
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Nov 2020
Introduction: Security concerns in international relations have many facets. These many facets include climate change, cybersecurity, water scarcity, arms race, and gender conflicts. These challenges can span through politics, economics, social, and cultural affairs...

Obstacles to Preventing States from Reaching Agreements in International Environmental Problems
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Nov 2020
Introduction: In this essay I will discuss the claim ‘There are significant obstacles that prevent states from reaching agreements to address international environmental problems’, with reference to two environmental problems featured in Block 2....

Feminist theories and International Law
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Nov 2020
Introduction: Feminism is a political movement that seeks to overturn gender inequalities between men and women (Blunt and Wills, 2000: p. 90). It is concerned with the power relations that influence not only how i...

What Is Collier's Conflict Trap and How Can It Be Overcome?
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: This essay will explore Collier’s conception of the Trap, particularly examining how he frames it through the lens of Greed and Grievance. It will then proceed to place the Trap within Collier’s oeuvre...

Literature Review: The Eastern Origin of Western Civilisation by John M. Hobson
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: John Hobson provocations the ethnocentric favouritism of familiar story of the eminence of the West. It acknowledged that since primordial Greek times Europeans have initiated their development and that the East has been a nonactive spectator...

History of Catalonia's Conflict with Spain
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Those that are unfamiliar with the Catalan independence movement believe that it is recent, but Catalans have been fighting for independence for centuries. The roots of the modern Catalan independence date hundreds of years back to when...

Russia as the Dominant Power in Central Asia
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: From a historical point of view, the Central Asian region is closely connected with the events that took place in Russia, China, Iran and the Hindustan Peninsula, and the Silk Road created strong conditions for inter-regional ties and trade...

Realism and Liberalism: Iran, China and Russia
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: The United States is increasingly being disturbed by the aggressive behavior of Iran, Russia, and China. For instance, China is making hostile moves in its coastal waters while Putin forces are grabbing Crimea. On the other hand, Iran is trying...

The Impact of Social Media During the Arab Spring
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: 1. Introduction The Arab Spring is a revolutionary movement in North Africa and the Middle East, which began in December 2010 with the Tunisian Revolution – before spreading to other Arab countries,...

Nuclear Warfare: A Conflict of Deterrence
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: Nuclear warfare is often posited as essentially different from conventional warfare.  Certainly they are conceived of as so, since dominating the cultural imagination in the Second World War (Gamson,...

NGOs in global politics and state sovereignty
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: Introduction This discussion examines the increasing influence of NGOs in global politics and focuses specifically on the role of development NGOs and the way in which they have challenged traditional...

International Co-Operation in Kyoto Protocol
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: International co-operation in Kyoto Protocol. The environment started to be seen as a serious issue for some during the 1970’s. Many politicians at that point in time did not regard the environm...

UK and US relations changed after Obama's election
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2020
Introduction: In his 1946 Iron Curtain speech, Winston Churchill (2015, n. pag.) stated that “[n]either the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organisation will be gained without what I ...

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