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International Studies Essays

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Example International Studies Essays (Page 1)

Hong Kong: Culture, Economy, History and Politics
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Jul 2023
Introduction: Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction: Some Key Statistics The Cultural Economy in Hong Kong Historical & Political Insights Economic H...

Post-independence Conflict in the Republic of Cameroon
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Dec 2021
Introduction: This essay explores the dynamics of revolution and rebellion in French Cameroon in the context of post-colonial French ambitions to remain tightly coupled with their colonies....

Economic Inequality and Gentrification in Modern-Day South Africa
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021
Introduction: Much of the most drastic inequality in South Africa can be found among racial lines, as white South Africans are far wealthier on average than black South Africans....

Modern Assimilation and Transnational Processes for a Successful Immigration
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Oct 2021
Introduction: I​ argue in this paper that not only are assimilation and transnationalism compatible, they are complimentary in the successful integration of multiple generations of immigrants....

Motivation for International Strategic Alliances
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Oct 2021
Introduction: This paper is an initial step to understand the definition of motivation in terms of the international strategic alliance by using the firms that have used this strategy....

Can War Be Humane?
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Oct 2021
Introduction: This essay will examine arguments that war can be humane where it can minimize the casualties and the destruction of public and private properties....

Opening the Gates of Liberty: An Examination of the Hart-Celler Act
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Oct 2021
Introduction: The impact of the Hart-Celler Act was unanimously misunderstood in its impacts in every contemporary statement and internal report by the White House and Congress, among every supporter and every opponent....

Rural Mexico: Displaced, Exploited, Discriminated
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Oct 2021
Introduction: An analysis of market-induced migration. Mexican labor in the United States is in a constant disequilibrium of repulsion and attraction....

What is the role of the USA and China in Africa?
Example essay. Last modified: 12th Oct 2021
Introduction: This paper will examine the key differences between the Chinese and Western, the USA in particular, strategies in African investment and development....

Globalisation Affect on Xenophobic Attitudes
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Sep 2021
Introduction: An essay discussing whether individuals will be more identified as global citizens and less prone to xenophobic attitudes as a result of globalisation....

Repatriation after International Assignments
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Sep 2021
Introduction: Repatriation is a process of returning back from a international assignment to a home country after completing the assignment or some other issues. Repatriation is the last step in the expatriation cycle and it involves readjustment and re-entry of international managers and their families back to their home country....

A Comparative Analysis of the Secessions of Iceland & Norway
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2021
Introduction: The nature of secessions and the measure of their eventual success is heavily dependent on context and the political climate from which they emerge. Academics such as J. R. Wood have developed the study of secessions into a complex set of theories and frameworks through which this political phenomenon may be explained, and their success evaluated...

Promotion of Democracy in Colombia
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Jul 2021
Introduction: Through the specific case of Colombia it can be seen that civil society participation is the key to establishing a strong and lasting peace, and in turn, a viable and healthy democracy....

Refugees and Social Integration in Winnipeg
Example essay. Last modified: 26th Jul 2021
Introduction: This paper will examine refugees and social integration in Winnipeg and attempt to answer the questions posed in the syllabus....

Creating Strategic Power Centers with a shared vision and cooperative alliance for global security
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Introduction: It is my recommendation that the EU begin discussions first with the US and then with the actors to follow in an effort to organize a multiple and strategic Power Center Alliance between EU, North America, UK, CEEs, NATO, and the UN. ...

Creation of Transnational Communities from International Migration
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: The proliferation of international migration has blurred these once distinct lines, necessitating a new conceptualization to analyse and explain the pattern of close ties linking immigrants...

Positive and Negative Effects of Economic Enhancements in Africa
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Throughout this essay I will dive in deeper to how and why the reasons listed above had positive effects and negative effects on Africa...

The Canadian Labour Movement is in Crisis
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: With a long history of improving and protecting the rights for all workers, the Canadian labour movement has experienced both a number of challenges and opportunities. The historically strong sectors of unionization, that included forestry, mining...

Haiti’s Economic Development and Growth
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: The Caribbean culture has extreme diversity from all around the world. The colonization and the current demographics demonstrate the differentiating factors that were involved when this area was founded...

Country Profile of Israel: Politics, Legal Structure and CSO Funding
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: Established in 1948 as a socialist state, Israel was created as a home for the diasporic Jewish community following WWII. Today, it functions parliamentary democracy. Although Israel does not have an official constitution, a series of Basic Laws were passed...

Malawi: Geography, Culture and Economics
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Malawi, formerly known as Nyasaland, is a small landlocked country bordering Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania in southeast Africa. Malawi’s landscape is defined by its topography of highlands th...

The Future of NATO
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Executive summary: The North Atlantic Peace Treaty or better known as NATO has been around since 1949. It was brought around because of everything going on with the Cold War. Since then ...

Social, Economic and Demographic Analysis of Detroit
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Background The Rise of Industrial Detroit Prior to the 1900s, Detroit was a fairly prominent commercial and transport city, due to its location in the center of the Great Lakes ...

Relationship between Religion and Development
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Religion and Development Report  Developed countries that have advanced technologies don’t face frequent scenarios of natural disasters like the underdeveloped states. This makes ...

Issues of Immigration and Emigration in the Philippines
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Statistical profile on the Philippines:  (khaleejtimes 2018) The latest population figures in the Philippines are “108,185,574 as of Monday, July 22, 2019, which are bas...

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