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Military Essays

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Example Military Essays (Page 1)

United States Air Force Training Program Analysis
Example essay. Last modified: 26th Jun 2023
Introduction: United States Air Force Training Program Analysis Abstract Training and development is a key component to the success of any organization. The United States Air Force (USAF) has...

Role of Intelligence in the Outcome of the Vietnam War
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Aug 2021
Introduction: In examining the role of intelligence in the overall outcome of the war, this paper will focus specifically on lead-up to U.S. escalation between 1962 and 1968....

How close did Fighter Command come to Defeat in the Battle of Britain
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: This essay will analyse how close Fighter Command came to defeat during the Battle of Britain. In order to answer this question, this essay will examine the following key points. Firstly, the effect the Integrated Air Defence System (IADS) had on the battle will be explored. Secondly, failures in German intelligence will be evaluated, focusing on the accuracy of the intelligence obtained and its subsequent utilisation by the Luftwaffe....

Relevance of Strategy in the 'Wars of Annihilation' 1939-1945
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: the idea of ‘total war’, which is defined by the Oxford Living Dictionaries to be “A war that is unrestricted in terms of weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded.” An extension of total war incorporating a war on ideologies lead to “wars of annihilation”. Where it wasn’t about capturing the enemies land or ruling the enemy it was a matter of crushing their ideologies to prevent future uprises....

Importance of Sustainment and Transportation in the Military
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: This paper will explain four principles of sustainment and two roles of any two of the transportation component commands advantages and disadvantages in their support of the combatant commander....

Social Shaping Technology: Critical Analysis
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: This assignment provides critical analysis about The Social Shaping Technology, more specifically, military technology. Social relations thus influence technological change by defining the market....

Educational Benefits of the United States Navy
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: This paper will discuss military education benefits such as officer programs, tuition assistance, the G.I. Bill, and numerous other education opportunities available for service members and their families....

1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance: A U.S. Army Officer’s Controversial Order
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Dec 2020
Introduction: On 2 JUL 2012, US Army 1LT Clint Lorance ordered his soldiers in 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment to fire on three unarmed Afghan men on a motorcycle near their patrol in Strong Point Payenzai, Afghanistan....

How Effectively Did Argentina Employ Its Air Power in the Falklands Conflict of 1982?
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Nov 2020
Introduction: This essay aims to identify two primary aspects of Argentinian air power employment that effectively let down the Argentinian cause and demonstrate that air power was not employed as effectively as it could have been....

Poor Strategic Air Power in Rolling Thunder
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Nov 2020
Introduction: The Vietnam War proved extremely costly for the United States of America.  Despite being the world’s most technologically advanced superpower, America was held to a long stalemate by what was essentially a third world nation....

'Responsibility to Protect' in Military Intervention and Non-Intervention
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Nov 2020
Introduction: In this essay, I will discuss how responsibility to protect is an important and necessary practice in international society nowadays and how responsibility to protect is debatable in its essence....

United States' Attack of Baghdad International Airport
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Nov 2020
Introduction: On the morning of April 3, 2003 United States troops marched on Baghdad International Airport, this decision would set the tone of the Battle of Baghdad and the rest of Operation Iraqi Freedom....

Prevalence of Rape Culture in the Military
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: This paper will be analyzing the prevalence of rape culture in the military as well as dissecting the reasoning behind its existence and will discuss measures that can be taken to prevent it...

Challenges for Female Services in the Male Dominated Military
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: The United States military comprises of both genders and various racial and ethnic groups, but it still mainly consists of White males. In today’s military, racial minorities make up about 30% of the 2.1 million Depart of Defense...

The Land of Vietnam: Advantages and Disadvantages to the War
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: The Land and Climate of Vietnam gave many disadvantages and advantages to the war. Due to the nature of Vietnam, climate and land was an important aspect to the war. The complexity of Vietnam made it hard for the Americans...

Irregular Warfare and Military Strategy
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: As the United States deals with the threat of near-peer competition, current irregular warfare (IW) doctrine is insufficient to with adversary irregular strategies which are intended to disrupt and degrade the National power over time...

Literature Review on Army Reserve Components’ Dual Identities
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Introduction: As the largest component of the military branch, the United States Army has pulled the bulk of deployment duties since September 11, 2001. The Army reserve components consisting of National Guard and Reserves fought...

Analysis of the Battle of Bhutan
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Introduction  Over the course of World War 2 there are many points in which soldiers have made imperative decisions for advancement through tactical knowledge. By usage of critical ...

How Effective Is a Military Response to the Threats Posed by Terrorism?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: After the catastrophic events that took place on September 11, 2001, the United States of (US) Government used conventional military force against the threats posed by the Al-Qaeda organisation. ...

How Effective Is the Use of Strike-capable Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Counter-insurgency Operations?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: How effective is the use of strike-capable Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in counter-insurgency operations? The use of strike-capable Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in count...

Giulio Douhet and Hugh Trenchard's Visions of Military Airpower
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction:   Former Italian Army General Giulio Douhet and the First Marshal of the Royal Air Force Hugh Trenchard are regarded as two early advocates and visionaries of air power. Since the e...

The Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Program.
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: The Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Program.  The Pentagon estimates that about 20,500 service members across the military branches about 13,000 women and...

War Tactics Throughout History
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: War Tactics Throughout History War tactics have been very relevant throughout the world’s history, and it has changed the outcome of significant events with tactics and strategies....

History of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policies in the US Military Forces
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: The United States military has never been afraid to voice its opinion when it has come to talks about disallowing LGBT personnel to openly serve in the military. The history of military relations...

Did Fighter Command Come Close to Defeat in the Battle of Britain?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Fighter Command came close to defeat during the Battle of Britain. How accurate is this statement? The Battle of Britain is widely regarding as the first military campaign fough...

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