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Society Essays

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Example Society Essays (Page 1)

Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Society
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Dec 2022
Introduction: This report discusses the upbringing of Artificial Intelligence (AI ) in society and lists the pros and cons of the new upcoming age of technology in terms of economics and the impacts it can have on society....

Exploring the Impact of Misogyny for Women
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2022
Introduction: Tits & Clits (No 6) by Farmer, Joyce, and Lyn Chevli and Bitch Planet (Vol 1) by DeConnick, Kelly Sue and Valentine De Landro are some of the strong pieces of work which explore issues in women’s lives due to misogyny. ...

Social Justice for the Built Environment
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Dec 2021
Introduction: The current model of living is all about money; this sees greed at the forefront of most industries and it has put the world in a precarious position. Society needs new innovations now, more than ever and the social model is the best way to accomplish the considerable changes to help people live their best lives....

The Role of Regeneration in Addressing the Needs of Urban Populations
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Dec 2021
Introduction: In this essay, the policies used to regenerate Stratford to address the needs of the urban populations as well as improve the physical fabric of the area are discussed....

Democracy and Social Justice in Landscape
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Nov 2021
Introduction: In this essay, the reflection of unequal wealth and power on the landscape and the possible methods for landscape democracy will be discussed....

Can Societies Integrate Migrants Peacefully?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021
Introduction: This essay will examine whether societies can integrate migrants peacefully and whether differences between people be acknowledged or a dominant culture be enforced....

The Death of Altab Ali and the Beginning of Confrontation Against Racism and Fascism
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021
Introduction: This paper is an effort to depict the struggle of the British Bangladeshi community in the aftermath of Altab Ali's murder and shapes of the community in the UK....

Strategy for Resolving Hollywood's Gender Pay Gap
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021
Introduction: The gender pay gap affects all industries in varying pay grades, and unfortunately, Hollywood is no exception....

Analysis of Inwood and Martin's 'Whitewash: White Privilege and Racialized Landscapes at the University of Georgia'
Example essay. Last modified: 18th Nov 2021
Introduction: This essay aims to effectively analyse and assess the qualitative research methodologies applied within Inwood and Martin’s (2008) paper; ‘Whitewash: white privilege and racialized landscapes at the University of Georgia’....

Reality of Corporate Practices in British Airways
Example essay. Last modified: 10th Nov 2021
Introduction: In this essay the business ethics of British Airways (BA) will be reviewed and ethnical theories will be applied in order to understand if the business is making a positive contribution to society....

Development and Displacement: Impacts of the Tehri Dam
Example essay. Last modified: 10th Nov 2021
Introduction: This paper will explore the ways that the THPP succeeded and failed by considering the priorities of the Indian government and how they directed the actions of the THPP....

Ai WeiWei's 'Sunflower Seeds' and How it Correlates with China's Hegemonic Society
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd Nov 2021
Introduction: The connection between Ai WeiWei ''Sunflower Seeds'' and the complexity of the Chinese individual's relationship with society, the authorities and tradition....

Is Australian Society Egalitarian?
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Oct 2021
Introduction: Targeted, compensatory government policies, will assist in improving Australia's position as an egalitarian society, restoring its status as a nation of the 'fair go'....

What is the American Dream?
Example essay. Last modified: 17th Aug 2021
Introduction: The American dream is a concept of hope, promise, and prosperity to people far and wide across the world. The concept originally comes from James Truslow Adams, a historian who coined the term in a 1931 book during the time of the Great Depression....

Rhetorical Analysis of Carr’s 'Is Google Making Us Stupid?'
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Jul 2021
Introduction: In the essay, Carr first addresses how the Internet is changing people’s ability to comprehend. While technology is helpful to most people because of its fast responses to boundless information, it is still changing the way a person thinks correctly, effecting a person’s ability to learn things...

Does Modern Society Enhance the Risk of Infectious Diseases?
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Jul 2021
Introduction: Are there features of modern human societies that enhance the risk that new infectious diseases will appear and spread?...

Emerging Enclaves of Innovation in Multimedia Services
Example essay. Last modified: 29th Jul 2021
Introduction: In order to thoroughly understand the influence that multimedia services have had on urban places this report will seek to critically analyse their economic, social and political environments....

Smoking Should be Banned in all Public Places
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Jul 2021
Introduction: Argumentative essay supporting the ban of smoking in public places. The numbers of people who smoke have increase over the years. Although they are equipped with the knowledge of how unhealthy smoking can be, people still choose to smoke....

Advantage of Being in a Mixed Culture Family
Example essay. Last modified: 11th May 2021
Introduction: The most evident advantage of being in a culturally mixed family is that individuals are bound to open-minded in accepting new experiences, ideas, and even acknowledge the difference in a positive way....

Threats of Social Media to Society
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: Everyone has used some form of social media platform, whether it be Instagram or Facebook, however most people do not know about the danger that lie within those social media platforms and in all forms of social networking....

The Obligation to Help Others and the Bystander Effect
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: Have you heard of the bystander effect? The term was popularized in 1964, after the infamous murder of Kitty Genovese. The 28-year-old woman was stabbed to death in New York and neighbors did not step in to help or even call the police....

The Onedia Utopia – Insanity or Community?
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: For this paper, I have chosen to research the Oneida community, founded by John Humphrey Noyes. Although their teachings are unusual, they believed they were a perfectionist communal society living as one family and sharing all properties...

Impacts of Technology on Relationships
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: In recent decades we have seen a drastic increase in the type of technology readily available to the average person. With these changes, companies in industries such as retail, groceries, and fast food have adopted new ways to make their services more efficient, faster, and Convenient to society....

How Do the Media Shape Our Understanding of Gender, Gender Relations, Norms and Deviations?
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: In addressing the question at hand, it is first necessary to understand what is meant by 'mass media'. Mass media is defined as ...

Strategies to Counteract Prejudice Against Ginger People
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Nov 2020
Introduction: The majority of my project contains primary research, this has been formed from my own and others’ personal experiences.  Moreover, I used a variety of websites to gather information, however there were not many scholarly articles or books written for my topic...

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