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Employment Essays

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Example Employment Essays (Page 1)

Motivation in the Workplace: Amazon Case Study
Example essay. Last modified: 17th Apr 2023
Introduction: There are various factors that contributes to employee motivation at Amazon, and they include the following, the environment, development opportunities, career development, and money....

Types of Workplace Harrassment and their Impact
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2021
Introduction: Workplace harassment continues to be a major issue within institutions of today’s current society. This paper answers several questions to further help with understanding of workplace harassment...

Career Limitations for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2021
Introduction: This paper provides a critical review including evidence-based research on limitations individuals with ASD experience whilst pursuing career success....

Impact of Machines and Technology on French Workplaces
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2021
Introduction: ​​​​​​​The focus of this essay is to discuss the impact machines and technology are having in French workplaces, addressing both the changes that have taken place and French society’s reactions to the Information Age....

Racial and Gender Disparities in the Tech Workforce
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2021
Introduction: There is an underrepresentation of women and minority workers in the tech industry. Can the racial and gender disparities in tech use and the tech workforce be levelled?...

Rebranding the NYPD for Lower Employee Turnover
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Oct 2021
Introduction: The goal is to partially rebrand the NYPD to improve employee turnover. This rebranding will help the citizens understand that the officers are there to keep the peace, not just to enforce the law....

Analysis of Incentive Program for Employee Retention
Example essay. Last modified: 15th Oct 2021
Introduction: Superconductor Technologies, Inc. (STI) was a technological company advanced in developing, manufacturing and marketing high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) products for wireless communication networks. It owned unique technologies, software design and simulation tools, such as the patented thin-film technologies, as well as having more than 3,000 STI system around the world...

How Does Feedback in the Workplace Affect Job Satisfaction?
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
Introduction: In completion of our research we hoped to paint a clearer picture on which ways feedback and job satisfaction are related....

Recruiting and Developing Multicultural Staff
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: This paper investigates several published articles that give an account of results from research that was led on the parts of a multicultural working environment and how those groups work....

Fatal Accident Review and Recommendations
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: Review of a fatal accident involving a “Concrete Company” responsible for operating a pump and ensuring proper pouring of the concrete....

Educating Managers for Promoting Workplace Ethics
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is for the researcher to gain knowledge through researching Ethics in the workplace and attempt to understand the thought process behind promoting ethics as a leader....

Workplace Changes Over 20 Years
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: This essay is going to analyse how the work place changed over the course of twenty years and the possible implications of the changes....

Ethical Approaches to Codes of Conduct and Equality in Work
Example essay. Last modified: 28th Jul 2021
Introduction: The code of conduct is that every member of an organization to understand standards everyone will be expected to uphold a confidentially at the organization and not outside the organization. The code promotes a good social also and a good professional culture by all means demonstrating how people are expected to act at work. ...

How the Organization of Work Influences Experiences of Work
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Jul 2021
Introduction: The question of how the organization of work influences the experiences of work can take on many differing connotations depending upon the viewpoint that is being utilized to address the foregoing....

Telecommuting: Strategies and Drawbacks
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Jul 2021
Introduction: The objective of this paper is to provide a basis for human resource managers who want to set up a telecommuting program but aren’t sure of legal steps to take, drawbacks and the inner workings....

Benefits of Implementing Effective Job Training
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Jul 2021
Introduction: This paper will discuss the main benefits businesses can gain when implementing effective job training....

Concepts of Motivation
Example essay. Last modified: 14th Jul 2021
Introduction: Individuals and organizations around the world can most likely relay the definition of motivation, but observations have shown that not everyone really understands the meaning behind motivation or what it means to each person....

The Ludlow Massacre: Restructuring of Labor Union Laws
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Jun 2021
Introduction: The Ludlow Massacre was an attack orchestrated by the Colorado Iron and Oil Company, owned by the Rockefeller family and carried out by the Colorado National Guard on coal mine workers who were on strike....

Issue of Gender Exclusivity in the Freelance Industry
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Jun 2021
Introduction: The structure of the freelance industry is gender exclusive in its very nature as its based off the principles of machismo and the heroic male figure....

What Does the Future Hold with Alternative Work Arrangements?
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Jun 2021
Introduction: With the power of alternative work arrangements, companies will need to offer their workforces the flexibility of balancing their lifestyle with their employment, the business alone can have more opportunity to regulate liabilities and operations....

Annotated Bibliography: Automation in the Workplace
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Dec 2020
Introduction: Growing automation in the workplace should not be feared as automation and technology promote a gradual, not sharp, decline in employment in current fields, which allows a spike in productivity, the birth of new career fields over time, and societal growth and benefit in general....

Issue of Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Dec 2020
Introduction: Sexual harassment in the workplace does not protect the victims and offers little to no punishment for the accused. Sexual harassment can come in many forms in the workplace....

Investigation into Human Services Career
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Dec 2020
Introduction: This essay provides an investigation into Human Services Career, looking at supervisory roles, theories of motivation, principles of motivation, and client participation....

Impact of Compensation on Employee Morale
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: Compensation   Compensation is a major motivating factor in any organization as it directly affects the morale of the employee. As a result, it enables them to work more dilige...

State Bank of India UK: Operations Department Teamwork
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction: State Bank of India UK Executive Summary The report explores the broader Operations department teamwork aspects for the State Bank of India (SBIUK). The problems have been iden...

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